Appendix B: Error Codes

10Invalid request format.
15Account errors detected.
20No accounts requested.
30Data exceeds maximum field length.
40Program ID not found.
45Field not found.
50SKU not found.
60Amount requested outside allowable denomination.
61Amount requested is not valid for this product.
70invalid email address.
72Invalid phone country.
73Invalid phone or phone country.
80Field is required.
90Duplicate Client ID.
100Invalid request value.
110Field is read only.
120Reload id is required.
130Unable to activate card. Please check the current card state.
140Card is not instant issue.
150Insufficient funds in account.
160Unable to set PIN.
180Access to this code has expired
190Unable to retrieve code
201Identity information cannot be changed on a reload
220Bank information cannot be changed on a reload
250Debit Card not allowed for the ordered product
300Invalid country for the ordered product
400The message content does not match the expected format for this endpoint.
403IP address rejected.
422This action is not available for this reward.
500Transaction failed. Please try your request again.
999Unknown Error Encountered (Contact API Support).

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