Update Card Information

Endpoint: https://rest.virtualincentives.com/{version}/{format}/recipients/{id}/card/information

Method: PUT


This endpoint requires approval prior to access. Please contact your Virtual Incentives Client Success Manager to discuss your use case.


idresponse only
Unique Account Holder ID.
name.first_namestring(50)Account holder first name.

Note: This field is displayed in the email and VRC salutation. For anonymous rewards, please use a generic name such as “Participant” or “Recipient”.
name.last_namestring(50)Account holder last name.

Note: For anonymous rewards, please use a generic name such as “Participant” or “Recipient”.
address.address1string(100)Account holder address line 1.
address.address2string(50)Account holder address line 2.
address.citystring(50)Account holder city.
address.statestring(20)Account holder state abbreviation (ISO 3166-2, subdivision).
address.zipstring(10)Account holder zip code.
address.countrystring(2)Account holder country abbreviation (ISO 3166-2).
phone.numberstring(20)Mobile phone number of the recipient. Used for SMS reward delivery. The number must be supplied as digits only.

Note: Required if reward delivery is SMS, or phone country is provided.
phone.countrystring(2)Mobile phone number country of origin. This is the 2-character country code (ISO 3166-2).

Note: Required if reward delivery is SMS, or phone number is provided.


Request XML

    <address1>6 Depot Square</address1>
    <city>Cold Spring</city>

Response XML

    <address1>6 Depot Square</address1>
    <city>Cold Spring</city>

Request JSON

	"phone": {

Response JSON


"name": {
 "address": {
	"address1":"6 Depot Square",
	"city":"Cold Spring",
"phone": {