Update Bank Information

Endpoint: https://rest.virtualincentives.com/{version}/{format}/payout/{id}/bank

Method: PUT


bankobjectAccount holder's checking account or debit card information in which payouts will be sent.
typestringType of payout destination. Options are bank_account or debit_card.
account_numberintegerAccount number associated with the account holder's checking account.
routing_numberintegerRouting number associated with the account holder's checking account.
card_numberinteger16 digit card number associated with the account holder's debit card.
expirationinteger4 digit expiration associated with the account holder's debit card.

Format: MMYY
cvvinteger3 digit security code associated with the account holder's debit card.


Request XML


Request JSON

"bank": {
          "type": "bank_account",
          "account_number": 000000123456789,
          "routing_number": 987654321

Response XML


Response JSON

"bank": {
          "type": "bank_account",
          "account_number": 000000123456789,
          "routing_number": 987654321