Appendix C: Reward DNA Status

Timestamp ActionDefinition
Card ShippedThe physical card was shipped to the recipient.
Credit AppliedRefund was applied for a canceled reward.
Fraud Monitor - Order CountThe reward recipient was marked for fraud based on the program threshold for order count.
Fraud Monitor - Issuance AmountThe reward recipient was marked for fraud based on the program threshold for issuance amount.
Multifactor Authentication FailedThe recipient failed the multi-factor authentication question.
Multi-factor Authentication ResetThe multi-factor authentication question was reset by the client.
Online Registration CompletedRecipient created an account on the cardholder website.
Order CreatedAn order was placed either via Vi Now or API and received by Vi.
Order Pending FundsThere are not enough funds on the program to process the order, funds need to be received by Vi to begin processing.
Order CanceledOrder was canceled prior to funding being applied and order being processed.
Order ProcessingFunds received by Vi and order is processing.
Order ProcessedOrder completed processing.
Payout SucceededPayPal or Venmo payout has been successfully delivered to an account.
Payout UnclaimedPayPal or Venmo payout has been delivered to an email address/phone number that does not yet have an existing account. The recipient has 30 days to make an account and accept the funds.
Payout ReturnedPayPal or Venmo payout has been voided.
Payout FailedPayPal or Venmo payout was not successful and must be retried.
Payout HeldPayPal or Venmo is reviewing the transaction and holding the payment.
Payout CanceledPayPal or Venmo payout canceled on behalf of the client or recipient.
Payout DeniedPayPal or Venmo payout was declined by the recipient.
Payout BlockedPayPal or Venmo payout was not delivered because user is blocked by the platform (VI does not have access to specific details on why payout was blocked).
Payout RefundedPayPal or Venmo payout was manually refunded by the recipient after initial acceptance.
Reissued RewardA new reward link/email was issued to the recipient.
Reward ActivatedRecipient activated their reward.
Reward Activated: PhoneRecipient activated their reward via the IVR.
Reward CanceledThe reward was canceled.
Reward ClaimedRecipient clicked the activate button on the VRC to reveal their reward or made their reward choice pm a PCO or GCP.
Reward Delivery FailedThe reward email or physical was returned to Vi.
Reward Link ClickedRecipient visited their reward on the VRC by either clicking the reward link or clicking the redeem button in the email.
Reward Email Link ExtendedThe recipients reward link was extended giving the recipient the ability to claim for 10 days.
Reward Email ResentThe reward email was resent to the recipient.
Reward Email ViewedThe email was viewed by the recipient.
Reward SentThe reward link and/or email was sent to the recipient.
Reward Sent - FM OverrideThe reward recipient marked for fraud was overridden and the reward link and/or email was sent to the recipient.
Reward Reminder SentA reminder email advising the recipient their reward is still available to claim was sent to the recipient.
Shipped via CourierCard shipped to the client or recipient, tracking information provided.

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