Appendix C: Reward DNA Status
Timestamp Action | Definition |
Card Shipped | The physical card was shipped to the recipient. |
Credit Applied | Refund was applied for a canceled reward. |
Fraud Monitor - Order Count | The reward recipient was marked for fraud based on the program threshold for order count. |
Fraud Monitor - Issuance Amount | The reward recipient was marked for fraud based on the program threshold for issuance amount. |
Multifactor Authentication Failed | The recipient failed the multi-factor authentication question. |
Multi-factor Authentication Reset | The multi-factor authentication question was reset by the client. |
Online Registration Completed | Recipient created an account on the cardholder website. |
Order Created | An order was placed either via Vi Now or API and received by Vi. |
Order Pending Funds | There are not enough funds on the program to process the order, funds need to be received by Vi to begin processing. |
Order Canceled | Order was canceled prior to funding being applied and order being processed. |
Order Processing | Funds received by Vi and order is processing. |
Order Processed | Order completed processing. |
Payout Succeeded | PayPal or Venmo payout has been successfully delivered to an account. |
Payout Unclaimed | PayPal or Venmo payout has been delivered to an email address/phone number that does not yet have an existing account. The recipient has 30 days to make an account and accept the funds. |
Payout Returned | PayPal or Venmo payout has been voided. |
Payout Failed | PayPal or Venmo payout was not successful and must be retried. |
Payout Held | PayPal or Venmo is reviewing the transaction and holding the payment. |
Payout Canceled | PayPal or Venmo payout canceled on behalf of the client or recipient. |
Payout Denied | PayPal or Venmo payout was declined by the recipient. |
Payout Blocked | PayPal or Venmo payout was not delivered because user is blocked by the platform (VI does not have access to specific details on why payout was blocked). |
Payout Refunded | PayPal or Venmo payout was manually refunded by the recipient after initial acceptance. |
Reissued Reward | A new reward link/email was issued to the recipient. |
Reward Activated | Recipient activated their reward. |
Reward Activated: Phone | Recipient activated their reward via the IVR. |
Reward Canceled | The reward was canceled. |
Reward Claimed | Recipient clicked the activate button on the VRC to reveal their reward or made their reward choice pm a PCO or GCP. |
Reward Delivery Failed | The reward email or physical was returned to Vi. |
Reward Link Clicked | Recipient visited their reward on the VRC by either clicking the reward link or clicking the redeem button in the email. |
Reward Email Link Extended | The recipients reward link was extended giving the recipient the ability to claim for 10 days. |
Reward Email Resent | The reward email was resent to the recipient. |
Reward Email Viewed | The email was viewed by the recipient. |
Reward Sent | The reward link and/or email was sent to the recipient. |
Reward Sent - FM Override | The reward recipient marked for fraud was overridden and the reward link and/or email was sent to the recipient. |
Reward Reminder Sent | A reminder email advising the recipient their reward is still available to claim was sent to the recipient. |
Shipped via Courier | Card shipped to the client or recipient, tracking information provided. |
Updated about 2 months ago